الترويج للبيض الحوثي الممتاز
بقلم أبراهيم زايد (أبوالأمير)
Promoting the Excellent Houthi Eggs
By Ibrahim Zayid
“They have balls” is a term used to describe people with courage or chutzpah like our Jewish brothers say. The actions of the Houthis in the Red Sea are exactly what having balls really mean which got me thinking: what if we could get a hold of some of these balls and implant them into some of the Arab leaders instead of their useless so-called balls?<p
A medical team was sent to Sanaa to see if we could get just a few. When the Yemenis knew it is for a cause that benefits Gaza, the volunteers came in droves. But all we needed is just a ball from a few donors knowing full well that each Houthi has so much testosterone that a Yemeni can function with just one ball. The drive was so successful we were able to get more than enough in just two hours. With the Houthi balls in hand, we proceeded to contact our targets which included Al-Sayyid Hassan, MBS, and Sisi. We offered each one a new procedure that will help them do away with the blue pill and a promise to rejuvenate their sex life.<p
They all accepted Our offer. Our task was to try to make real men out of these guys if that is at all possible.<p
Our first patient was Al-Sayyid Hassan: After the medical team exchanged his balls, I saw only smiles meaning the procedure seems to be successful since his organ moved and stiffened. We congratulated him and moved on to Egypt since we received a call from MBS wanting to reschedule for next week. We thanked MBS for the courtesy and proceeded to work on Sisi.<p
After taking out Sisi’s useless balls, the doctor installed the highest grade of Houthi balls (one donated by Yahya Saree and one by Mr. Bkhati), but no sign of life was apparent. The team seemed bewildered and frustrated. They decided to connect another two, then four more but nothing seemed to work. The team wondered how silly we are:”this guy is a tranny (a woman trapped into a man’s body) and it’s our medical duty to free him/her. So they removed all the original useless articles and even the precious Houthi eggs and proceeded to dig a hole. That’s when he reached to the operating doctor and kissed him on the lips. Everyone was relieved and felt a sense of accomplishment except one doctor who is originally from Gaza. This doctor said, “the job was not completed because a kiss in itself is not sufficient proof that he reached his transformation into a woman,” and suggested expanding the hole and creating a tunnel. They said it is worth a try. The shock to everyone’s face was unmistakable when Sisi smiled and reached out to grab the doctor’s crotch.<p
The doctors hi-fived each other and moved on to Riyadh looking for MBS who apparently heard of what happened to Sisi and went into hiding with his famous saw in hand.<p
Ibrahim Zayid
Paying tribute to our leaders and is fully responsible for the contents and consequences of this story